The Life Cycle of a Toy
Have you ever been curious about the magical process of the toys that zip in and out of our warehouse in Orland Park? Have you wondered about the journeys they take before they are sent off to deliver joy in hospitals nationwide? Well, sit back, buckle up, ensure all tray tables are in the upright and locked position, because we’re about to take you on a journey through the “life cycle of a toy.”
There’s a Wasket in my Basket
The journey of a toy from our warehouse to its final destination typically begins with a generous donor hosting a toy drive. Whether this effort results in a donation of hundreds of toys or a handful, each toy is precious and important. Toy drives such as the one organized by individuals like Carrie Degnan and her family are vital for our organization. (Each year the Degnans collect toys and gift cards in memory of Carrie’s son Austin, who sadly passed away on October 4, 2021 after a three-year battle with Osteosarcoma. So this year, in honor of Austin’s 12th birthday on July 26, Carrie asked her friends and family to drop off toys, gift cards and teen items to her home.) Once the toys arrive at our warehouse, and if the donor permits, they are displayed for photographs. They toys are then carefully placed into large bins, ready for the next phase of their journey.
There’s a Zelf on the Shelf
The second step of this magical journey kicks off with our superstar staff and fabulous volunteers giving the toys a good once-over, all while wrapping and sorting like pros! We’re all about new and pristine toys, so we check every single one to make sure it’s in tip-top shape. If a toy is not completely sealed, we’ll wrap it up snug as a bug in plastic to keep it safe and sound for our kids. Then, it’s organization time! Toys are sorted by type and placed on their labeled shelves, ready to embark on the next part of the exciting mission!
and Nupboards in the Cupboards
The next part of a toy’s journey occurs whenever a hospital contacts us to inform us that they are running low on toys! Kim, our Distribution Specialist, springs into action, meticulously and skillfully packing boxes filled with the toys the hospital requires. She selects the appropriate toys based on the hospital’s needs and prepares the boxes for shipment. The majority of the completed boxes are sent out via shipping, although those toys earmarked for hospitals in the local metropolitan Chicago area are occasionally delivered directly by the numerous wonderful volunteers who provide us with this most appreciated service! The boxes are loaded into trucks or cars and travel across the nation to the many hospital treatment centers where our Treasure Chest Programs are located. And as the toys arrive their magical journey is complete and their true mission begins.
and the Zillow on my Pillow
When the toys arrive at the hospital, the anticipation is palpable. Nurses and staff welcome them with gratitude, knowing these toys will bring smiles and laughter to the brave children and teens battling cancer. The toys are tucked away in the magical Treasure Chests, just waiting for their moment to shine! As the young warriors finish their appointments and treatments, they get to embark on a mini adventure of their own, picking out a toy or gift card—talk about a sweet reward!
“There are things we can learn. Things we can see. Come on, now. Sit down with me.”
Dr. Seuss | There’s a Wocket in My Pocket